Amazon listing is an online product page that helps customers to find products and know more about them. The product page consists of the following information-

  • Product label
  • Manufacture Price
  • Product image
  • Product details
  • Key information
  • Videos demonstration (if required)

The seller who has been verified by Amazon and has provided high-quality service to their customers are listed under the Amazon listing. Along with the information mentioned above, Amazon also evaluates customer reviews and the seller’s responses. Amazon is very vigilant about customer reviews because it helps other customers and communities to make decisions about purchases. It is an instinct to trust reviews from an independent standpoint for any kind of product.

1. Select the suitable category

Choosing the right category for the product listing can be a difficult task, but it determines the ranking of your product on the search result. Selecting the category for your product is very much similar to choosing your target population. It is not why your product is useful, but for whom it’s most useful.

  • Search the primary keyword for your product
  • Analyse the most frequent category that shows up
  • Pay attention to the competition in each category, ranking, and average reviews.
  • Evaluate the page quality, product description, and targeted audience of the top listing stores.
  • Assess your budget and resources accordingly.

2. Choose appropriate keywords for the title

There is more chance of potential customers finding your product by incorporating the right keywords in the title. The more accessible your product is to the customers, the greater possibilities of purchase would be. The keyword also plays an important role in ensuring a higher rank in search results.

  • Know the right amount of keywords added to the title.
  • Have a similar mindset as your customer while selecting keywords.
  • Check the coherency while placing the keyword into the title.

3. Use High-Quality Product Image

The image of the product helps customers to visualise it and enhance their decision-making ability. A good image of a product leads to higher conversion rates; thus, the time and effort you put into this criteria are worthwhile.

  • Ensure the clarity and perfect light of the image.
  • Show the product from a maximum number of angles.
  • Go for original photos rather than the stock ones.
  • Hire professional photographer

4. Write a captivating product description.

A well-informed description enables potential customers to understand your product and purchase it. Following are a few tips for writing an effective and influential description-

  • Describe the principal features and advantages of your product. Use keywords while writing the description part.
  • Be specific about your product and use facts to describe it.
  • The description must be short, legible, and fluent to read.
  • Add the importance of your product to customers’ lives. You can also add customer reviews, testimonials, and ratings to influence customers.
  • End it with the call to action.

5. Pricing Your Product

Determining the correct price for your product is a highly critical decision. Customers seek the best deal on their products, but it is also important for you to make maximum profit out of the deal. Here are a few tips for pricing your product competitively-

  • Research about your competition.
  • Consider all your costs while setting prices.
  • Stay competitive and prepared for market ups and downs.
    Analyse the best price and offers to attract more customers.

6. Responding customer reviews

Customer reviews are essential for the growth of any business. While positive reviews boost your sales, the negatives can lower sales. But what is most important is the way you respond to your customer. Positive or negative, take time to respond to your customers and appreciate their feedback.

For positive product reviews-

    • Show your gratitude and, if possible, provide more information and deals about your product.

For negative product review

  • Apologise and then assist them with the issue. If required, offer a refund or exchange.